2,975 research outputs found

    Epigenetic treatment of solid tumours. A review of clinical trials

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    Epigenetic treatment has been approved by regulatory agencies for haematological malignancies. The success observe in cutaneous lymphomas represents a proof of principle that similar results may be obtained in solid tumours. Several agents that interfere with DNA methylation-demethylation and histones acetylation/deacetylation have been studied, and some (such as azacytidine, decitabine, valproic acid and vorinostat) are already in clinical use. The aim of this review is to provide a brief overview of the molecular events underlying the antitumour effects of epigenetic treatments and to summarise data available on clinical trials that tested the use of epigenetic agents against solid tumours. We not only list results but also try to indicate how the proper evaluation of this treatment might result in a better selection of effective agents and in a more rapid development. We divided compounds in demethylating agents and HDAC inhibitors. For each class, we report the antitumour activity and the toxic side effects. When available, we describe plasma pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic evaluation in tumours and in surrogate tissues (generally white blood cells). Epigenetic treatment is a reality in haematological malignancies and deserves adequate attention in solid tumours. A careful consideration of available clinical data however is required for faster drug development and possibly to re-evaluate some molecules that were perhaps discarded too early

    Apuntes para una teoría sociológica de las masas y las multitudes

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    Más allá de diferencias en sus declinaciones nacionales, resulta indiscutible la importancia fundacional de la dupla "comunidad-sociedad" en la sociología de finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Las ideas/nociones/conceptos de "masa" y "multitud" no fueron menos importantes para aquellas sociologías. Pero, a diferencia de aquellos otros constructos, que positivamente pretendieron comprender las formas actuales de la vida colectiva, masa y multitud quedaron (por lo menos, en aquel momento histórico) invariablemente vinculadas a una suerte de "lado oscuro" de la sociedad moderna, a la irrupción inminente de peligros, a irracionalidad, descontrol y desindividualización, a patologías y sugestiones colectivas. Partiendo de estas cuestiones, el paper intentará trazar el bosquejo de una historia de la problematización de los conceptos de masa y multitud en la sociología y en la teoría social. Esto supondrá: a) una periodización, desde finales del siglo XIX hasta hoy, identificando las posiciones teóricas más importantes, desde las ansiedades de Le Bon y las apuestas de Park, pasando por la crítica frankfurtiana a la "sociedad de masas", hasta las esperanzas de Negri; b) una identificación de sus dimensiones constitutivas (individualidad/colectividad, espacialidad, afectividad, potencialidades (anti)democráticas, co-presencia/ausencia, etc.); c) una descripción de algunos matices culturales-nacionales- regionales presentes en su construcció

    Luogo e tempo di lavoro e redistribuzione delle garanzie giuslavoristiche (Diritto del lavoro della miseria e miseria del diritto del lavoro) = Place and time of work and redistribution of labor law guarantees (Labor law of misery and misery of labor law). WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 344/2017

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    The Jobs Act legislator used workplace and working time modalities as the criterion to identify new types of working relationships - eternal-organised collaborations and smart working - and, furthermore, to distinguish self-employment and wage labour within the traditional categories. On this basis, authoritative doctrine retained that it was possible to confirm the definitive exceedance of the clear-cut alternative in order to extend the protections of this kind beyond the area of wage labour, to gather the instances of protection derived from new forms of work, in particular, generated by the sharing economy, which is not reducible to that alternative. However, it is a position that cannot be accepted since, on the one hand, it loses sight of the social specificity of the labour law to demote it to a generic and extreme instrument of defence from poverty into which work has fallen without regard. On the other hand, because, while taking account of the criterion used by the legislator, it reintroduces, on the basis of the reading of such doctrine operated in the new legislation, the argument founded on the diversity of the creditor's powers of performance in various relationships, that only in the rigid scheme of the new regulatory framework seems to assume an apparent validity. In fact, if you extend your gaze to the doctrinal reflection which has been developed over time on the topic, you realise how that this argument has long since been refuted, since, conversely, it refers to the original criterion of the object of performance, within the meaning, attributed by a dated interpretative orientation and advanced over time and still current, of a relationship of usefulness corresponding to the interest of the creditor deduced in obligation; criteria by which the overall regulatory framework, in the regard dictated by the Jobs Act, demonstrates its regulatory inefficiency

    Teoria, pratica e storia: problemi metodologici degli studi teatrali

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    A discussion of methodological problems in theatrical studies, concerning especially the relations between theory, history and practice

    L’expérience de l’altérité. Le théâtre entre interculturalisme et transculturalisme

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    An approach to Pianistics schools in Argentina

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    El presente trabajo forma parte de una investigación en curso sobre "La escuela pianística argentina", proyecto aprobado y subsidiado por la Agencia Nacional de Investigaciones Científi cas y Técnicas (Proyecto Picto Artes 00043-2007) y la Secretaría de Ciencia, Técnica y Posgrado de la UNCuyo. En él pretendemos aproximarnos en nuestro camino hacia la demostración de la existencia de una escuela pianística argentina, partiendo de la teoría expuesta por Piero Rattalino en su libro de 1983 Le grandi scuole pianistiche, en la que elabora un árbol genealógico-pianístico que engloba, a partir de Mozart, Clementi y Beethoven la evolución de la técnica pianística desde los comienzos del pianoforte hasta llegar a los grandes pianistas-pedagogos del SXX.This paper is part of the ongoing research “The Argentinian pianistic school", authorized and subsidized by The National Agency of Scientifi and Technological Research (Proyecto Picto 00043-2007), and the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Postgraduate Studies of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. The aim of our research is to go further into the demonstration of the existence of an Argentinian pianistic school, based on the theory proposed by Piero Rattalino in his 1983 book, Le grandi scuole pianistiche. Rattalino elaborates a pianistic genealogy starting from Mozart, Clementi and Beethoven, including the evolution of the pianistic technique from the beginnings of the pianoforte up to the great pianist-pedagogues of the 20th century.Fil: De Marinis, Dora. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseñ

    Self Advocating & Mental Health

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    In this PowerPoint, I highlight the techniques used in my lesson on mental health awareness and self advocacy.https://digitalcommons.cortland.edu/corslides/1024/thumbnail.jp

    When a state competes with its people over resources : What kind of cooperation? : What kind of partnership? .

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    Resources are the key point of our relationship with the planet Earth and the tuning of this relationship is the core goal of every human activity claiming to be sustainable. In this context, there is growing concern over the paradigm on which International Cooperation (IC) is currently working. Universities have a role to play in shaping and spreading the new \u201cdevelopment\u201d paradigm. From this point of view, each component of a university should take action. University cooperation, always in collaboration with civil society, could fill the emerging gap between the states who follow the direction of the global economic system and populations, more and more in need of the proper tools to get an equally diffused, grassroots ecological development. This short paper will argue this point of view by presenting a small student association born inside the Faculty of Agronomy in Milan

    La responsabilidad del host provider por vulneración de los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial por parte de los propios usuarios.

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    El trabajo tiene como finalidad el examen de las especialidades que caracterizan la responsabilidad civil del provider por los contenidos que los usuarios publican sobre las plataformas informáticas por él gestionadas. En particular, se profundiza sobre la cuestión de la posible vulneración de la propiedad intelectual e industrial a través de internet, evidenciando que el provider sólo será responsable, si ha tenido un papel activo en la colocación en la red de los contenidos ilícitos.The work analyzes the peculiarities that characterize the provider's civil liability for contents that users post on the platforms managed from the same. In particular, the study investigates the specific issue of intellectual property and industrial property infringements through internet highlighting that the provider will be liable only if he have an active role in the placement on internet of the illegal contents

    Educación de la prole y responsabilidad civil de los padres por los daños ocasiones por el hijo menor en el derecho italiano

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    El trabajo analiza las más recientes orientaciones de la jurisprudencia de instancia italiana sobre la resposnabilidad civil de los padres por los daños causados por los hechos ilícitos de los hijos menores. Se evidencia que la tendencia de los Tribunales a objetivizar dicha responsabilidad no resulta idónea para estimular una correcta educación de los hijos por parte de sus progenitores.The work analyzes the most recent guidelines of the Italian case law on the civil liability of parents for the tort committed by the underage son in order to highlight that the recent court decisions, inclined to qualify this liability as objective, are not likely to encourage the education of children by their parents